Hackers and Lib'tards and Trolls, Oh My!
Thank you Mr. Right and Anna for again blogbursting the news.
OPTIMISM is almost non-existent in theNext up, Day 8, please be sure to check out London blogger Carol of Planningblog.com!MSM OSM LAMEPMM (Prevaricating Media Machine). In fact, I have been noticing that it is often missed by our fellow Milbloggers. I am not asserting that optimism is burying ones head in the sand. The media is doing fine on their own hitting us with their invectives. I submit that we must try very hard to uncover the good and ensure that it permeates the blogosphere until it hits the general consumer. We have a responsibility to those that are sacrificing their all to protect us. Since we are "on the wall" here at home, we must lead by example and fight with the greatest power in the universe: optimism.
I guess having a college education these days and signing your e-mail arrogantly with the purely (self) honorific title "professor" entitles you to advocate for the murder of commissioned and non-commissioned officers in the U.S. armed forces. That apparently being the case in the current climate, I would like to warn the good, former "professor" that many of us are very, very good with weapons of myriad types, and are not all that shy about using them when it is absolutely necessary. If he would like to come and take a pop at my commander, I invite him to do so at his leisure, but would like to remind him that I have never qualified as anything less than an expert with an M-16. I'm not quite as good with a pistol, but can still manage to put two in the chest and one in the head with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Hope to see you soon you self-important piece of shit.Sgt. Snyder has lots more videos and a wonderful Thanksgiving post (I know, I'm a loser for not linking sooner) titled Plain Old Thanks.
If you’re one of the people who think that this isn’t a cooperative effort, you’re wrong. In any given day since I’ve been here, I’ve met Egyptians, Iraqis, Polish, Iranians, Turks, Peruvians, Brits, Georgians, Gurkhas, Indians and others. Hell, I even met a Frenchman. There are people of every nationality here, doing every job imaginable. In ways small and large, all these people are doing jobs that will lead to one result - more freedom of choice for more Iraqis.PushBack Day 6 on Air Force Family: Lies My Congressman Told Me (special by airforceguy).
Read the whole thing for the answers from someone who knows what's what.We found mustard shells which had gone past their expiration date. We found yellowcake, Joe Wilson, and eventually enriched uranium, Scott Ritter.
But the physical evidence doesn’t tell the whole story. The interrogation portion does that. Many, many scientists talked about Saddam’s weapons production. The production wasn’t large scale, and it wasn’t quality stuff, but it was there. The question on your mind is this: where is the rest of the stuff? The answer is very simple and very complex.
Day 1: Andi with The Sin of Omission is Costly. What the MSM doesn't report can hurt you.
Day 2: Toni of Bear Creek Ledger with a Look to History to Understand Today. A fascinating look (with original columns, no less!) of how the MSM covered the reconstruction of Europe 60 years ago.
Day 3: Doug Petch with a two-fer Part I - Setting the Conditions followed by The Wrap-Up. The predictability of the MSM.
Day 4: Rightfielder with Break with Al Qaeda. The media doesn't like stories about the terrorists losing support.
Day 5 - me with "Protesting the Protesters"
August, 25 2005 - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the current home of hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq, has been the target of weekly anti-war demonstrations since March. The protesters hold signs that read "Maimed for a Lie" and "Enlist here to die for Halliburton."[sic]
The anti-war demonstrators, who obtain their protest permits from the Washington, D.C., police department, position themselves directly in front of the main entrance to the Army Medical Center, which is located in northwest D.C., about five miles from the White House.
Among the props used by the protesters are mock caskets, lined up on the sidewalk to represent the death toll in Iraq.
Code Pink Women for Peace, one of the groups backing anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, organizes the protests at Walter Reed as well.
The latest attack on the U.S. by its Fifth Column enemies is aimed at stopping the Armed Forces from enlisting new recruits. Faced with a flagging anti-war movement, leftist agitators have shifted gears and are now subverting the War on Islamist Terror by trying to destroy America's ability to maintain a fighting force. Though so far limited in success, this counter-recruitment movement is growing quickly and threatens to wreck Americas's ability to defend itself from its enemies.Most recently they began a campaign to counter-recruit at area high schools while continuing to harass the legitimate recruiters. Sharon Hughes picked up on the Pinkos plan and exposed it in her article Red Alert on Code Pink! for Accuracy in Media (HT: Insolublog - who is, btw Ann Coulter's alter-ego). On Nov. 17th the Pinkos got a lot more attention here in MD than they expected when members of ProtestWarrior and FreeRepublic showed up in front of the Silver Spring center to protest the protesters. MSM reaction? Another yawn.
Why would failing to report on an anti-war group's openly displayed 'Letter from God' be a case for media bias? Because every time President Bush makes reference to his belief in God the mainstream media is all over it, like fleas on a dog.FreeRepublic members are probably the most focused on CodePink. FReeper Kristinn keeps the pressure on and recently pointed out an article written by Susie "Medea" Benjamin, Support Our Troops, in TheNation (and picked up by CBS News) in which she wrote:
Iraqis don't want us there? A war that increasing numbers of soldiers don't even believe in? This is most certainly a surprise to those who are in Iraq and interacting with the citizens. It also doesn't wash with an Iraqi immigrant and fellow FReeper IraqiKurd. In his post Open Letter to Gael Murphy and Medea Benjamin: Why did you donate to my killers? IraqiKurd reveals just what the Pinkos have contributed to the war effort.What is the impact on soldiers still in Iraq to learn that the Bush Administration manipulated the intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an invasion? How must they feel when they learn that Iraqis don't want us there or understand that their acts of bravery are not making their families safer at home? How demoralizing must it be to see their buddies die in a war that increasing numbers of soldiers don't even believe in?
No one would like to see CodePink "go away" more than the Pushback originator Andi. She has an archive full of reports from the protests and insights into that miserable bunch of commies.I was speaking with a cousin of mine in Iraq and asked them what that kind of money could buy in terms of weapons or military supplies and he told me enough to raise an entire infantry batalion [sic] fully equipped with assault rifles, uniforms and enough high explosives to blow up half of Baghdad. The answer wasn't good enough so I asked him how many Ak-47's he could buy. He told me 7500 ak-47's brand new in the box straight from Russia. So I then asked him how [many] IED's and I was told anywhere between 9,000 and 11,000 powerful enough to take out a humvee.
[...]Medea Benjamin and Gael Murphy why did you send thse guns and high explosives to terrorists? You didn't send money, you sent weapons. You know as well as I that they were not going to buy food, medicine or rebuild schools. If you truely cared about the Iraqis why didn't you donate that money to build a school and hire teachers for the children of Iraq?
In closing, I would like to thank you for bringing their conduct to the public eye, not only in your article, but on "The Sean Hannity Show." I actually began to have some faith in the media again when I heard Morano stand up for us soldiers like he did. I wish there was something that I could do to personally thank him for your actions. But I am going to ask that you please do not stop speaking of these actions at Walter Reed. Please find a way to help stop the protesting at Walter Reed. Please write more articles, ask why they were granted permission, get public officials to speak out on the record and petition people to withdraw their right to protest within a certain distance from a military hospital. It scares me that next will be a fellow soldier's funeral. That is the next step! Please, I ask that you continue to investigate this protest and their rights to be there! Not to stop people's freedom of speech, but protect and respect my fellow soldiers.Some comments that have been left by Defenders on this site:
Sgt. Mark Leach, U.S. Army
For me, they're all that matter. Semper Gratus!Thanks to all of you who go down to oppose our country's pet moonbats...they mean well, God love 'em. Problem is
they're just crazy little animals who have to be kept indoors...especially that nut bag holding the "Armistice" sign. I saw that and blurted out "W...T...F...!?" and I was all alone in the room at the time. Appeasers are dangerous and shortsighted people. Last two times we had an "Armistice" led to: 1. Another world war, and: 2. Being in Korea forever (by the way, that war isn't over yet, because we have an ARMISTICE!) Someone hit moonie the moonbat upside the head for me please. - CW
Next time you see one of the wounded warriors, let em know we too remember them. Thank you for taking the Whooop Ass to the streets. Keep attacking! - Capt B
Thanks for the support. It really does matter. -WarriorJason
Can't wait till I get there and we meet. Those Pinkos better run while they can!! I don't need signs to get my point across. Thanks for what you're doing. - CJ
Day 6 - Air Force Wife will host an active-duty guest blogger.
"I'd say that we have been the most vocal state delegation in the entire country in criticizing the president's handling of the war in Iraq," said Meehan, an early advocate of a phased troop withdrawal.
Dear Friends,This isn't half of what she has planned for PTP! Leta is working on getting a PayPal account set up to make contributing easier, but in the meantime anything you send by snail-mail would be greatly appreciated.First of all I want to wish each of you and your families a safe, healthy and relaxing holiday season.
I think all of you know that I am in the process of starting a Non Profit Organization called Progress Through Peace, Inc. Progress Through Peace, Inc. (PTP) has Non Profit status at this time but does not yet have tax exempt status. We have applied for tax exempt status but it has not yet been approved.
The story as to how PTP came about is a long one but began when I "adopted" one Soldier that turned in to many "adopted" Soldiers. As a result of supporting some of them I began working with a local Non Profit Young Adult group in Kosovo and was invited to Kosovo (a province in the former Republic of Yugoslavia) this past year to by that group of young adults that I had been supporting from here. PTP does not yet have a web site but we hope to have it up and running within the next month. The web site will give you much more detailed information about the countries in which PTP is working (right now it is only Kosovo), what projects have been completed and what projects are in the works. Everything has been happening so fast that we haven't been able to keep the cart BEHIND the horse!!! The needs in places such as Kosovo and other post conflict areas is great and, often, urgent. Setting up a Non Profit Organization and gaining tax exempt status in the US is often SLOW and FRUSTRATING!!!! I immediately fell in love with the people of Kosovo and know that you would too if you met them. They are amazing, resilient, caring, humble and grateful to America for the role we played in rescuing them from their awful situation under Milosevic. They DO NOT hold their hands out for money but do ask for tools and resources to allow them to build their nation. How refreshing!!!
I am going to Kosovo (at my own expense) December 18-27, 2005 in order to continue work on several projects as well as to lay the ground work for others. In the meantime I read the entry dated Sunday November 13, 2005 and titled "Catching Up" on the blog spot http://waydowninkosovo1.blogspot.com/. I met SFC Pointer when I was in Kosovo earlier this year. He, like so very many of our Soldiers, is an amazing individual and there is very little I wouldn't do for him. So, I emailed him about this sewer problem and what it would take to fix it so that this village does not continue to suffer medically from the problem. Since our Soldiers are NOT allowed to solicit funds for ANY reason I want to make it perfectly clear that the idea to raise these funds for this project is in NO WAY SFC Pointer's idea. It is MINE!!! I would like to be able to take the funds to Kosovo when I go in December. The funds will pay for the materials and the military will perform the labor at no charge (they are allowed to do that but not to pay for the materials or raise the funds). I would like for this to be "our" Christmas present to Kosovo and I need for all of you to be a part of "our". The engineers have looked at the project and I have their report if you are interested in seeing it. I also have the Non Profit incorporation papers filed in the state of Tennessee that I can email to you if you are interested in seeing those as well.
The engineers estimate that the materials will cost under 6000 Euros (that's the way they stated it in their report). At today's conversion rate that is around $7000.00 US Dollars.
So, I'm asking each of you to make a donation to this project. ANYTHING. $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 whatever you can spare at this time. You will receive a receipt from Progress Through Peace, Inc. for your donation. However, it IS NOT tax exempt at this time. Once we hear back from the IRS about the tax exempt status each of you who donates will be notified. Additionally I'm asking that if you know of anyone who might be interested in being a part of this important and meaningful project that you forward this email to them.
I need to have your donation no later than December 15, 2005 in order to be able to take it with me to Kosovo. I KNOW we can do this. And, having been to Kosovo I KNOW how much this will make the lives better for those who live in Klokott. The average family of 6 lives on $180.00 a month. Unemployment is 70% and 60% of the population is under the age of 30 yet they have HOPE and they are proud. They don't "expect" anything yet are incredibly grateful for anything that is done to help to improve their lives.
Please make your donation to:
Progress Through Peace, Inc.
Mail it to:
P O Box 100
Cordova, TN 38088Thank you all so very much. I will keep you posted as to the progress of this fund raising campaign. Additionally the web site will, eventually, have reports (and hopefully photos) of the project. Since I don't have my PTP email address yet please respond to my business address with any questions or comments.
Leta M Carruth
901-219-7692 Cell
Grey Eagle has created and maintained a terrific site on her own time and dime. She's in Iraq, away from her husband and kids, fighting for the safety, security, and rights that some asshat hackers take for granted. Check out the post on The Right Place for the story and updates. And go to her site and leave a NICE comment, please.Congratulations To Those Who Oppose The SoldiersI wish to express my congratulations to the hackers, vandals, and anti-war visitors who successfully blocked my ability to post any further tributes to the soldiers. I am sure you find victory in preventing myself and others from having a place to read and pay our respects to the Fallen Female Soldiers, and my brother’s in arms, the brave soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division. I can only imagine your satisfaction in justifying the disgrace of men and women who died for this country.
"New York Times reporter (embedded) traveling with U.S. forces said an explosion occurred as a squad entered a farmhouse in Obeidi, (its called Ubaydi and for all you reporters out there that's how its spelled, genius) 185 miles northwest of Baghdad (hello, its on the boarder of Iraq and Syria). Insurgents then racked survivors and rescuers with small-arms and grenade fire before other Marines could recover the dead and wounded and kill the attackers, the newspaper said". (Sounds pretty negative doesn't it?)The Captain sets the record straight and fills in some rather gaping holes with the heroic work he and the Marines are really doing.
Be smart America, support your leaders, we are winning! Semper Fi! -Capt BI'm really late in linking this one, but Ma Deuce Gunner has finally unleashed his thoughts on the anti-war wackos. Now that he's back from Iraq, safe and sound, MDG has penned an awesome rant in An Open Letter to the Anti-War Crowd.
So, enough with your venomous, acrimonious rantings. If you don't like the fact that your government is making a CONCERTED EFFORT to preserve your freedoms, go somewhere else. You are parasitic dregs, stealing from the people who secure your freedoms, abusing the freedoms to malign them, all the while being behind the shield of protection they so willingly provide.Check out the comments on the post as well. It's just amazing how much hate some people have for this country.
"The really sad thing is that Belgrade doesn't really care about
these Serbs...they don't even consider them to be real Serbs. so they let them rot in filth and squalor, and we are left to try and clean it up."