Sunday, October 29, 2006
About Me
- Name:GunnNutt
- Location:Laughing Stock County, Maryland, United States
Flag-waiving, gun-toting, unabashed patriot. I love the Constitution, the Founding Fathers and all the members of the U.S. Armed Services. I hate Commies more than broccoli. I am a SheepDog!
Hey! Looky Here...
The *New* and Improved Site!Too Late! You missed it ...
Kllokot, Kosovo
Supporting the Warriors
Words of Wisdom
"I am not a wolf. I have never harmed a person in my life. But I am not a sheep, either. I know these forces are out there, and wishing it were not so will not only not make them go away – it will rob me of my chance to kick their ass when they show up."
Bill Whittle - TribesPrevious Posts
Heroes in Need and Updates"These guys will try anything"
Hey! Look Over Here!
Mark of the Beast Redux
I've had enough, too!
A Loooooong Weekend
Escape from the Beltway
Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus
Something to Add to My Border Arsenal
A Day in the Life of a Hero
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
October 2006
May 2007
Big Guns
Officially Issued Guns
- 365 and a Wakeup
- 4-Mile Creek *new link*
- A Soldier's Perspective
- Another Day in Paradise
- Armor Geddon
- Assumption of Command
- Camp Katrina
- Contact Right...Taking Fire!*from WRAMC!*
- The Daily Grind
- Fire and Ice
- Firepower Forward
- From my position...On the way!
- Going Down Range
- Greg's Notes
- Howdy & Hurl
- Ma Deuce Gunner
- Midnight in Iraq
- The Military Outpost
- :.:.:myskatterbrain:.:.:
- SandGram
- SoldierFoto
- A Storm in Afghanistan
- Support Your Local Gunfighter
- Tanker Brothers
- Team Med-Fah
- Truth, Life & Political Honesty
- Way Down in Kosovo
- The Will to Exist
- Wordsmith At War
- Not blogging, but not forgotten
- Warrior's Voice
Supporting Those With Guns
- America Under Attack
- Andi's World
- Cookie Crumb Express *new link*
- Freedom Isn't Free
- Freedom Watch
- God Bless America
- Hello Iraq
- Iraqi Future, Hope and Dreams
- Keep My Soldier Safe
- Landry's Life
- Marine Corps Moms
- PCS to LinkedInUSAF
- Soldiers' Angels - Germany
- Some Soldier's Mom
- tgslTakoma
- United Conservatives of Virginia
Good Guys
- 45-Caliber Justice
- A Rose By Any Other Name
- basil's blog
- Cam Edwards
- Conservative Propaganda
- The Conservative UAW Guy
- Conservathink
- David's Right Way of Thinking
- Disgruntled Grunt
- Dr. Phat Tony's
- either orr
- First with Flair!
- Michael Fitch
- Fmragtops Spews
- Fun Turns to Tragedy!!!
- Insolublog
- Mad Gun *new link*
- Mistakes Were Made
- Mr. Completely
- MrsSatan
- A Nation of Riflemen
- A North American Patriot
- Pass The Ammo
- Patriotic Mom
- Peakah's Provocations...
- PebblePie
- That Fallen Angel
- The Red Hunter
- Resistance is Futile!
- The Right Place
- Right Wing Nation
- Social Sense (Mustang)
- Stealth of Nations
- Target Centermass
- Thoughts by Seawitch
- Tom's Common Sense
Glenn Reynolds Says
"GunnNutt built my hotrod and I won the Daytona 500. Heh."
Proud Member of the Alliance

The Alliance
I support
Get the US out of the UN
Kabul, Afghanistan time
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