Veterans' Day at Walter Reed

This shot pretty much says it all.
Every Friday we meet in the same place in front of Walter Reed for the purpose of showing support to our Vets. This Friday was special 'cause it happened to be the official day that the country pays tribute to Veterans. The FReepers and friends celebrated the occasion with enthusiasm.

We often have the pleasure of meeting soldiers who are patients at WR who come out to see what's going on. This week I got to meet none other than Chuck and Carren Ziegenfuss!
Soldier's Angels Project Valour-IT was inspired by Chuck when his injuries led him to find a way to continue blogging "no handed". The project to get voice-activated laptops to other wounded warriors took off when Fuzzibear Lioness volunteered to do the gruntwork of seeking volunteers,

vendors and the creation of the non-profit entity.
A bunch of great bloggers jumped in to spread the word and raise some bucks which resulted in the procurement and distribution of 40 laptops to some very happy guys. Most recently, the Competition between the Services has raised $76,000+ to bring the outside world a little closer to many more wounded heroes.

This small endeavor added to hundreds of other projects across the nation add up to provide a lot of help, support and love to the men and women in uniform that we honor every day.
Meeting Chuck and Carren on Veterans' Day couldn't have been more terrific. For all they've been through (especially in the last week) they both look and sound great. A truly amazing team.

This is the back of a sign I hadn't seen before.

And this is the front.

A view from the small corner looking across towards the gate.

Same corner, looking north.
A rather "pointed" sign.

Then there's the Pinkos. The ever-present, anti-war commie 'tards who show their support by raising money for the terrorists who blow our guys up.
This sign was about as clear as mud. With whom are we to reach an armistice agreement? Hmmm?

Why isn't being a terrorist sympathizer a crime?

Can you read this? Neither could anyone else.
She put it away after we kept asking her to read it to us.

Some new faces.

The Pinko with the glasses came over to ask us to join him in the Lord's Prayer. Not surprising that all his fellow commies are atheists.

After the Pinkos pack it in, we spread out to all four corners. The wounded on the bus returning from Fran O'Brien's don't see creeps, just a throng of happy faces, waiving flags, and loud chants of "USA! USA! USA!".
More: The Redhunter has has a great post from Friday and lots of background.
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