SA Project Valour-IT - Waiting for the Ball?

The Marine team is in 3rd place. Behind the Army and Navy. What are we waiting for? Nov. 10th of course! That's when all the Marines and supporters will make their *big* donations. Great big USMC Birthday donations! Right? At least that's what I'm hoping is the reason for this 3rd place position. The competition is over on the 11th.
Holly Aho has provided all the team members with the PayPal code so I've got a one-click way for y'all to send a few bucks to the Valour-IT project. Just look at the sidebar. And look at all the bloggers who are on the teams and where each team stands.
All the money collected goes into one pot for the purchase and distribution of voice-activated laptops for wounded warriors, but we're having a little friendly competition to see which team is the best at gettin' those funds. The "friendly" part's not gonna last too long if we don't pick up the pace!
Check out Barb's site Righty in a lefty state where she's asking Where's Your Marine Spirit? And don't tell her you left it at last year's Ball!
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