I'll Double Your Valour-IT Contribution!

You give $5, I kick in $5. You give $500, I shell out $500. I'll keep matching the contributions until y'all have contributed a total of $2,500 which will be matched by my 2.5Gs.
That's 5 big ones for the Project and will buy a bunch of voice-activated laptops for our heros!
Since there are no dates associated with contributions listed in the "View All" page, I'll have to see what the total is at midnight (EST) tonight (the 9th), then see what the difference is at midnight on the 10th. I'll double the difference, up to $2,500. You can keep track of all the competing branches here.

Need more stories? Click over to Griz' place and read Brothers-in-Arms.
If you're tapped out, that's OK. You can still wish a Happy 230th Birthday to the USMC. Go to Milblogging.com, check out the blogs written by Marines, visit their sites and leave messages.
Hooray! You did it! Thanks so much to everyone who donated.
As of midnight 11/9 -- -- -- Midnight 11/10

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