Monday, November 21, 2005

Defending the Defenders 2

The Push Is On.

Army wife - milblogger - activist Andi of Andi's World is on a mission to counter the MSM's negative and biased reporting on the GWOT. She got off to a great start on November 9th when she appeared at a press conference with Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), Bill Roggio, Steve Schippert and Michael Yon to "to highlight the other side of the War on Terror. The side that you rarely hear about. The side that knows firsthand that accomplishments are indeed taking place."

Sen. Santorum is making an issue of the lousy reporting that is distorting public opinion and plans to present alternative messages in the Senate on a continuing basis. He's recognized the wealth of information being published in milblogs and wants these stories told. To further this goal Andi has devised the 14-Day Pushback which kicks off today on her site.

Check out The Sin of Omission is Costly for the first Pushback.