Maj. Jamil - Part II
I just got word that the report of the tragic death of Maj. Ahmed Jamil was a tad premature. SSG George K's colleague and close friend was a victim of mis-identification:
Hello Everyone, and hold on to your seats!!!Wow! Happy New Year indeed for SSG K.I hope all of you are having a wonderful New Year thus far.
As for my team and I, we are doing well. There is a Greek Belief, as some of you may know, that whatever happens to you on New Years day, happens to you all year long. With that in mind, it seems that I am going to have an interesting year.
It started off quiet, got very exciting, and then I received a blessing that I am still in shock over and overjoyed.
...It turns out, that there is another bittersweet moment here, and to my personal feelings, it is more sweet then bitter. There was a Maj. Jamil killed along with his lieutenant, but it was not my friend or his lieutenant, also a close friend of mine. The Jamil killed in the Car bomb incident was a major, named Jamil, Kurdish and from Dahouk, Kurdistan. If it sounds to good to be true, keep in mind that the name "Jamil" here is like Smith, or Jones back home. I brought over a translator to be sure; I did not want to be ecstatic over misinterpreted information. The translator confirmed my joyous assumption. This is one time I was glad for faulty information in the military chain.
Please read the rest at Soldiers' Angels Germany - and thanks again MaryAnn!
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