Tuesday, March 14, 2006

MD CCW - Time is of the Essence!

Get on the phone and start pecking at your keyboards! The Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates is set to vote on several bills next week including one that could start easing our path to obtaining Concealed Carry permits, but we need to let our representatives know that we want them to pass the bills out of committee and onto the floor.

HB 1163 simply states:
Repealing the requirement that the Secretary of State Police find that a person has a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun before issuing a handgun permit to the person.
Maryland has too long presumed that the phrase "and bear Arms" only pertained to those citizens who could prove their need for protection by virtue of having been the victim of a violent crime already.

Pro-Gun Progressive has a report from Henry of Maryland Shall Issue (who, oddly, doesn't have it posted on his site) detailing the events from the recent hearing and the bills of interest.
Now is the time to get the emails, letters, and phone calls out to the folks on the committee. I don‚’t have any doubt that our lobbying efforts will drown out the four folks from Ceasefire and CSGV, but we do need to pour it on.
He's got the rundown on the bills and contact info. I've written to everyone on the list and will make follow-up calls. Please help by contacting your representatives today!

The MD Senate is set to hear its version SB 911 on March 21st.