On the Sidewalks of Walter Reed

I wonder if "Princess" wrote them? I didn't see him in his familiar skirt or handmade flag. Could he have finally realized that his presence was not appreciated?
A funny thing happened tonight, and I'll bet it happens every Friday on the far side of Georgia Ave. "Outcast corner" by the Walter Reed entrance sign is occupied by just a few commies. This week it stood empty for much of the early evening, so tgslTakoma (who took last week's famous video) crossed the street to take some photos from a vantage
point usually

While taking a picture, a car turned in to the hospital and a soldier yelled out the window "Go home, you losers!" or something to that effect. At first I was horrified to be mistaken for one of the commies, but then it occurred to me that the Pinkos probably get this kind of "welcome" every week. They keep coming back pretending to support the very Troops who know what they're up

A view from "outcast corner" to the main commie stronghold.
Vehicles going in and out of the facility have to pass right in front of these fanatics. They probably receive a lot of derisive gestures

I think this is the replacement for "Princess". He doesn't have nearly as interesting a wardrobe, but does have the same, confusing type of sign.
I've never met a Vet who's asked what I've given. I don't know whether its good manners, lack of interest, or that it's just never occurred to them to ask, but the Vets I know are satisfied and proud (quite rightfully) of their service and sacrifice. They never expect others to give what they have and are the most grateful recipients of support and respect shown to them

Last week CodePink recruited a high profile water boy: Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and released this statement.
Thank You Congressman Murtha! CODEPINK co-founder Gael Murphy and DC coordinator Allison Yorra met with

This from the group that has given $650,000 to the terrorists in Fallujah, participated in war crimes tribunals against America and has called American soldiers "killers" on their website and on the street in front of Walter Reed.

Mr. Sparling brought out a mail bucket full of letters and cards that his son Joshua had received from supporters. He said it was just a fraction of all that had been sent so far. Many people have sent Joshua some rather expensive gifts and this wonderful young man has in turn given them to other patients. His father told me about some of the items and though

Our Troops so often make do with very little that I believe it becomes second nature to them. A recent entry on a Marine's blog is typical of this:
For eleven days (Dec. 18-29) we slept in a drafty and cold cement building once occupied by Saddam's military. We had no plumbing, no electricity, no hot food, no showers and by the end of our stay they were even rationing bottles of water. We all lost weight in

Now, this is nothing new to Marines. This is how we train. This is one of those moments when never being pampered pays off. When field ops back at the states make sense. However, on top of the terrible conditions, we managed to have a good time. Using inverters from the hummers, we charged laptops and

Tonight when the commies brought out the guitar guy and started singing 60's hippy protest songs, we countered with Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American". We don't sing very well,

Danang68 and Navy Wife are proud parents of a Marine in Iraq. They came to protest the Pinkos last summer and we're very happy to have them join us again. Its too bad the anti-war 'tards never pay attention to parents who love their children and their country.

JK was in town on business and extended her stay so she could join us. As a Soldiers' Angel from Michigan she knows what real support means and it was great to have her with us. Thanks JK!
Of course I think everyone should come to Walter Reed at least once on Friday night. You don't have to make it a regular thing, just come down and show your support for the wounded warriors some week.

Mr. and Mrs. Trooprally (also proud Marine parents) holding up one side of the MOAB as Lizzie and Landry Fan look at some of Joshua Sparling's cards.

The bus came early again tonight from Fran O'Brien's and from a different direction. I finally got half a shot!
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