A Chill Wind at Walter Reed

What a whiner!
The FReepers showed up in double the Pinkos numbers again last night. We had hot coffee & cocoa; they had ... nuthin'.

Using a large sign as a wind break.
IrakiKurd told me the military surplus store down the road in Silver Spring sells UnderArmor gear. I'm going to go take a look. I've bought UnderArmor shirts for the troops thru L.A. Police Gear, but never for myself.
If you're looking for an easy way to send UnderArmor, I highly

Keeping the cameras working was a problem in the cold. Sometimes the shutters didn't want to open.

One of our youngest with the "Victory" sign.
The news of the 10 Marines killed near Fallujah was on our minds last night. Those of you who read Capt. B's site know that he reported the incident early yesterday, and that he's asking all of us who support the troops to remember the families of

The wounded Marines and their families can also use your help, and can be supported thru the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.

We had all the flags flying, but no MOAB (Mother Of All Banners). It would have been shredded in the wind.
FReepers in foreground, Pinkos across the street.

Facing off across Georgia Ave.

Pinko sign: "Support Our Troops Tell Them The Truth".
I'd like to give them a little "Truth" in the form of a 2X4 to the forehead.
We tried to get their reaction to the "peace activists" who were kidnapped by terrorists in Iraq. After all, they are the really brave ones who are literally putting their lives on the line for their

At least the wind did a good job keeping the flags unfurled!

Patriotic pup.

What would happen if we left Iraq too soon? Sgt. Snyder at A Will To Exist has about the best explanation around. In Pulling Out Early and another lunacy he has an excellent rebuttal to the cut-and-run crowd:
It’s sad that so many Iraqis and others are dying over here. However, when you discover you have cancer the treatment is always the same - attack it at the source. You don’t wait for it to spread. And when

Sgt. Snyder is hitting his stride after being down range for a few weeks. He's one of the milbloggers that is more than up to the challenge of taking on the trolls.

A view from the church parking lot to our back.

This is the real "Truth".
Landry Fan has her post and insights from last night here.
Andi joined us last night. She has her report here.
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